Hello, my name is Robin Gruenke, from Germany.
I am a Computer Science Expert, developing Software since 2009,
with the main background on web application development.
In my past experiences, I got in touch with manifold and
interesting projects where I was able to work deeply with people and
technologies. Sharing thoughts with people about Technologies and
integrating complex stuff to be seamless and easy to use, is something
I am really passionate about.
Not only that I love to improve stuff and create maintainable architectures,
I also love to design UI Elements and think about the best user experiences
involved. For me, the most important thing in creating projects
is that to have quality and the right foundation. You could compare
it to building a house: If your material is low in quality or the
foundation is weak, how long is the house supposed to stay ?
Core Technologies I am experienced with
“ There is no best solution, be it a tool, a language, or an operating system. There can only be systems, that are more appropriate in a particular set of circumstances. „
— The pragmatic programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas